commissioner swain, expected. we have a quorum. >> all right. item no. 1. action item. approval of the meeting set forth below regular meeting of february 13, 2014. >> all right. are there any corrections to the minutes? no corrections. >> move. >> second. >> it's been moved and seconded. any public comment on this item? all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> opposed? it's unanimous. >> now we'll go into the section. commissioner scott is not here today today. our first item is action no. 2. city clerk: item 2. action item. preservation amount. >> good afternoon, my name is gabriel brigs and as you are all aware every year the survey is done where -- we survey the 10 most populus counties in california other than the city and county of san francisco and what the union and employees contributions are and take the average for each county and period of time charter, the city contributes that dollar amount of health care to the city employees. information gathered from the survey, 10 county survey, we go online and get all the information we can from the counties including the