. >> reporter: ladon swann is the director of the auburn marine research center. do you think that barricade is adequate to keep oil out of this area? >> it can't hurt. i think if you look at the data, the best it has ever been done, in terms of recovery-- 10%. if it helps achieve a 10% or greater recovery rate, then that is great. mother nature will do what it does. >> reporter: swann says if the oyster beds are devastated, the project might be able to help fishermen and restore the natural oyster reefs more quickly. >> we can help produce a product for the market. we can help the reefs. we can spawn those in a hatchery on dauphin island, and then we can plant those in the reefs. >> reporter: walton says the entire regional economy is teetering on a precipice. >> i think you look at a lot of we have guys already put out of work because of those closures, in effect. that has this cascading effect. you drive through bayou labatre, and you see trucks in parking lots who are not delivering seafood. the guys are not selling ice, the restaurants are selling seafood but