all swarn to secrecy. when its existence was discovered, israel said it was textile factory, never admitting its true purpose, making pluotoneum for atomic bombs. we need answers and we go to meet one of the few people in israel that knows what is going on inside demona, we are dealing with this element of weapons of mass destruction, meaning nuclear chemical and biological, we're the only ngo dealing with this. right now in israel, when you believe that this are the weapons that keeps you safe, when this is the common belief, then the question raised, are we the next country to use them? israel is nuclear armed state, chemical armed state and biological armed state. nuclear weapon is not a weapon that aimed at an army, it's a weapon that destroys a city. are we willing to destroy any city in the middle east, mothers, children, fathers, citizens, not. soldiers, we want to know more about the most secretive nuclear program in the world, is transmitted at the request of the is the israeli nuclear plant to de