the swartz administration tried to cut wages, hours and has succeeded to a certain extent in cutting 3.2% of the hours that consumers can receive, which would translate into a reduction in hours by the providers. this is not something that we initiated. there was a proposal two years ago to cut the wages. the san francisco backstopped that cut and actually provided enough money to keep the wages in place. what is on the table this budget year is a proposal to have the providers who are currently covered by the san francisco health plan, which is complete medical coverage, their contribution to that plan is $3 per month and our proposal is to increase that contribution to $10 per month so that the services and the coverage can be maintained but the city costs can be reduced. >> we've got time for two more questions. >> ok, yes. i understand that the city is going to be going through a new transit board and they're funding three projects. i'd like to know how that affects the budget, positive or negative. >> we have a few projects which we're funding in terms of the n.t.a. the big proj