sweeting fear sociopaths. we think they don't care. none of that is right. they are not just poor misunderstood kids. they can be doing some tremendously all of things. are they reachable? yes. and they won't listen to us because we have no standing and the cops have no standing and so the question is who has standing. and the answer is to be found. it is the surviving mothers of the murdered, it is the right kind of ministers, the elders on the block, the older, wiser, original gangsters who discovered the emperor has no clothes but based on all kind of street credibility. and the st code is not just about drugs, most of the violence isn't about business. this is about respect and disrespect. if i am dealing with you now we have about a vendetta. the st code that was driven by ideas, and ideas are something that you can challenge. so you have not lived until you have seen one of these original gangsters stand up in front of a room full of these guys and say i loved having my family on the street and i really believed it. i really did, that we had each other