we don't to sweetser rates. we encounter individuals during the course of targeted enforcement action. this doesn't have to be an arrest or conviction. the fact that someone is here and we are made aware of it operations that we could take enforcement action against them. congress stated that was the case. they also built a mechanism for relief. cancellation of removal, adjustment of status. under section 212 of the act subject to removal that sufficient. we need not say more. we don't have the resources. were not randomly checking people for their papers. b but congress built-in by allowing adjustment of status and other forms of relief to individuals arrested. in the immigration contacts were first prosecutors and then once they are eligible for relief we shift the roles and litigate whether there eligible for relief. under certain circumstances to make good moral character qualifications you can stay. congress did not put into the law that if you, if there's no the basis for removal you can just stay here or