well, my scope, scope of the book each school in sweetwater, you know, suddenly he has a cough on this. give up. we'll get a minute. teresa yeah. bill mobile, you're so much all you might have to sort of break your buck at the bill in a lot. this kid shows us just back near misquote them martin as well. yeah. wow. div easy, wow, for in this us, what does adf vizier says? ah, with cell is still nest, but he's easy. we usually what they said should you took photo chicken, your c o changed measure that it got to work, but we need to start with that. she does stuff at the machine over with them with missions with veronica, with chad, the lack of the you can says, man, yeah. so finally i might easier for you i'm well paul, look what, he's your friend here. yeah. they show, they show a block a your j e in your laugh, it's equally amazon directive. if you went back, i bet you because guy, yours, you come in night, you 00 matter we initial frame, even that'll need to be what garden you. so like hearing was this me, if you sure you return my girlfriend for clock. yeah. this is amber law stuff.