well, i will defer to commissioner swick since i've already had a chance to ask questions. >> go ahead. can you call media services and let them know that commissioner swigs or hand raising functions are not working? >> commissioner, because i invite you to go ahead. please go ahead. >> thank you for that. that. so i'm trying to package this. what i've here's my mike on. >> yeah. now i'm paranoid about everything. >> so yeah, so. so they they they had a they had a permit on a on a redundant basis repeated basis. they this business has gone beyond the permissions of those permits on a on a fairly regular basis they've been counseled and and they still have their permits. they you could have revoked all permits could you have not done that? >> so they have had temporary permits which are issued administratively. yeah. violated those the permits before that are in question tonight have been conditionally granted their brick and mortar permits for ongoing entertainment and those have not yet been issued. so we have not been able to go through a revocation process because they've not even b