you have to swipe, like, six times and it never works-- swipe, swipe, swiem. and you try to walk through and the bar hits you in the crotch. forget national emergency. if trump wants to stop mexicans he should put a role of new york-style turnstyles at the border. that's what he should be doing. yi-yi, yi! swipe again. finally, you know what today is, right? it's valentine's day. aawww! it's the one day you can dress up as a baby and shoot people with a bow and arrow and get away with it. ( laughter ) it's really nice to have a day where we get to show that special someone that bee care. the men out there, that's all you really need to do, all right, because not everyone can afford flowers or chocolates or a private kenny g concert. it's about letting your girl know you love her. ladies, if he doesn't have flowers, or something, you need to cut him loose. clearly, he does not respect you for the queen that you are. he had all year to save up and now he's saying he can't afford a box of chocolate. that's $5.99 at walgreens. you can't say $5.99. that's two turns