students students who would eventually become doctors they worked 2 jobs on top of their externship swithin nursing facilities across the country so they were people who knew the debt low when they got out the majority of them don't come from middle class or even wealthy families so they know that this is going to be a task for them but they're still willing to jump into this profession right now over 60 percent of the nurses that we're seeing in new york city and other cities across the country that have been called and are retired nurse and those retired nurses are still paying back the debt that they had 2030 plus years ago when they actually got their degree and i think you broke the good point too is that it's not saying that not all doctors are under a lot of doctors there's a lot of doctors down the line especially in plastic surgery no who are swimming and swimming in money you know but that's when you look at the health care system as a whole you can't just focus on like the one small subject of like surgeons and people like that who make money and make money because of the experti