so, on may 9th, the sustraka of syamyon tainouski, the pit. two bastards. frymavich prayshow all the war. padchas the acupuncturists would be in the grip of the minsk government, the hell they would fight against. passage of traps at the partisans' camps in the baranavitsky district, and the day of support for the sustras at the capital. paslya vaina amal is still working as a budaўnik. i took out two sons, adopted spammies and became a close family. veterans have lost their flowers and hangovers. we've only had a couple of chalavkas there for years. they will come, but today so many people came, of course, everything is valuable, well, the fact that my father was a participant in the war, uh, it’s an honor, he worked all his life for in order for us to live in abundance, he did everything possible for us all his life, so well, i am very proud of my father, we are throughout the year, it is not necessary that by may 9, but we are our dear dear... goddze summoned belarus sums were paid and doubled, they paid one and 4 thousand rubles. cinema in memory of hero