jephtÉ mpondjo and sylvain lombolo fish on the edges of the reserve.almost all the people in their village live from fishing and a bit of farming. like many here, the two used to fish with mosquito nets. >> we depend on fishing for our livelihood. there used to be lots of fish here. that's why there was always a large market in our village. with the income from fishing we could buy medicine and clothing. but many here fish with fine-meshed nets. that enables them to catch a lot of fish, but that includes the small ones. so, now there are hardly any fish here anymore. >> at the village market, the results are clear to see. bread, manioc, fruit, and beans are on offer but scarcely anything else. the situation has become dramatic, even though the environmentalists sometimes find surprises. >> here among these fish are some from a species that we don't usually find anymore. we'd thought the species had disappeared here. it's called lilangua. albert, how big do they normally get? >> very often, i've seen them reach the size of my forearm. >> there are hardl