you're sylvanian. hey, i just got off the phone with brock. he asked me out on another date. i'll get in touch with the people at ripley's. you know, i really think brock might be the one. i mean, there's no posing there's no pretense. it's just a totally honest relationship. so, you told him you're a witch? of course not. oh, by the way the gallery called. ock's so impressed. fine, but i should inform you that my style has evolved. i now work with found objects. old bicycle inner tubes, seashells, bio-waste and incorporate them into my art. sounds awful. i'm going to be famous. here we go. "wishbone spells. "see sanders, colonel page 387." what?! salem, there's paint all over the page i need. do you have any idea why? yeah, i've been cleaning my brushes on it. i heard that lichtenstein cleaned his with perrier and hundred dollar bills. thanks a lot. i granted mrs. birckhead's wish that valerie be like me. not just like you. would we be having this conversation if i had left it vague? this is bad. pretty soon there'll be two sabrinas and valerie will disappear forever. there'