and in the late 1950's mossad was tipped off to a love story involving eichmann's son, klaus, and this teenage girl, sylvia hermann. sylvia's father, a german jew, had fled to argentina with the rise of the nazis. eichmann and his family also made their way to buenos aires after world war ii, evading allied capture. but when sylvia's father recognized the last name of the boy she was dating, he notified israeli officials. a mossad agent posing as a tourist, later arrived in argentina with this leica camera and surreptitiously took pictures of the man going by the alias ricardo klement. >> they sent these pictures to israel together with eichmann pictures from ss file that the mossad got, pictures from the war. and the israeli police laboratories compared the pictures and find out this is probably the same man if you look at the shape of his left ear. >> reporter: from there, operation finale took off. with argentina having become a haven for former nazis and the government not honoring extradition requests, israel's prime minister at the time david ben-gurion approved a clandestine mission to try to captur