consulate of cuba, and then name, sylvia duran. >> sylvia duran turns out to be arn important figure in all this. the warren commission staff saw her as an important figure in all this. she's a young mexican woman, a committed socialist, who is employed by the cuban consulate in mexico city. and she is the person who dealt face-to-face with oswald while he's trying to get the visa and other paperwork from the cuban government that will allow him to defect. there's reason to believe that there was a relationship between oswald and duran that went on outside the walls of the cuban consulate and that they were seen around town together, including at a party, attended by cuban diplomats, some of whom had apparently spoken openly in the past about their hope that somebody would kill president kennedy. the warren commission staff, this young fellow, david slawson is desperate to talk to sylvia duran, to interview her, to find out what she might know. after much negotiation, it appears that sylvia duran will come to washington, she'll agree to be interviewed, but that idea is vetoed by chie