so sylvia noirmont gets the most of the view. you really get to see something dance dance, and thanks again. thanks very much. it's time for the last part of the tour. zillion noirmont was happier living with her grandparents that her parents. that's why she wants to take a little stroll around the house where her grandparents once lived down. this was grandma and grandpa's house. grandpa always said when the house is finished, the man dies, and that's just what happened. she'd like to take one more look inside, but the people who live there now aren't at home you know, that's the way it is. and they go for another walk around the neighborhood. they had to push the stretcher along the narrow main street, then slow fulfilled this wish is well, what are sylvia's thoughts on the coming days? constance bunting. pretty relaxed. i think i was back here again, and that's really beautiful. and i will look at the pictures again. thank you, but there's something more to it. now, why don't turn a list all day, but out to you fall here. the