sylvia rivera in later decades developed an organization called star, which helps homeless youth get access to certain kinds of services. get them back into school. try to get them rehome. and try to get them off the streets and out of sex work. steve: as you research the topic, are there oral histories, other people who were alive today who remember what happened? prof. potter: there certainly are. you can find them all over the place. esther newton, who just wrote a wonderful great -- a great book. there's a great book by martin, which is an oral history he did with five participants. one of whom was a guy named craig rotman who is now dead, but he started the first lesbian and gay bookstore in new york. the oscar wilde bookstore. which was next door to the stonewall in. -- stonewall inn. there's a gentleman who's a big activist at the time. he is still alive and he is still very politically active in new york, particularly on behalf of elderly gay and lesbian people who are having housing issues. steve: your work is available online. explain the site. prof. potter: