some of the most important people are transgender people, in particular, sylvia riviera and marcia pjohnsonjust in terms of their participation in stonewall but they were really major activists at that time and were on the front lines on all of the demonstrations. so the whole community came together then? yeah, both this new generation of activists and the older generation of activists — and lesbian activists, gay activists, transgender activists. oh, yeah, "lesbians unite." yes, so here you see thousands of people who were willing to come out of the closet and be part of this political movement. it's hoped that exhibitions like this will help keep the memory of what happened alive and inspire future generations. i'm 27, this is the first time i am seeing many of these pieces. why should people in my generation care about this exhibition? in this internet age of people liking things on facebook and internet activism, it is hard for people to realise the real oppression that people faced in the 19605 and '705, and also that they were able to make a difference. and the way that they changed