>> i am sylvia salvador, the owner of the property.the penalty that was imposed -- i did not know that i needed to have a permit for that. i had halted already -- i bought it already with -- and when the tenants living there did not pay their rent, i ask them to leave, and then they went to dbi and said there was no permit, so i was slapped with a violation. i got the permit, but i was imposed a penalty. and i am hoping for that penalty to be reduced, if possible. that's all. vice president fung: ok. thank you. president hwang: mr. dufty? >> commissioners, the department issued a notice of violation following a complaint. basically, the notice of violation was for an illegal dwelling unit on the ground floor. the panel the was on the value of the work performed, and the penalty was assessed on the subsequent permit. i suppose in defense of the property owner, from my point of view, i see the notice of violation was issued on may 29, 2012, and within two weeks they got their building permit, so i was sympathetic to that because that sho