will you ask and synnott? come on, get on board with us and let's get going. thank you.>> jacqueline edelberg is the mother who walked into the struggling school and presented a wish list for the transformation. the story's been featured on the national news programs. for more information, visit twitter.com/walktoschool. >> oh johnny is jim lehrer's most recent novel. how many recent novels have you written now? >> oh johnny is the 19th novel. the 20 this coming out next april. it's already done and that is going to be a magic mark for me. but who's counting >> when do you find the time and where do you write? >> i discovered years ago if i really wanted to do something that meant a lot to me i could find the time to do it and writing these novels is extremely important to me. it's part of the volume. it's part of what i do so when i wake of the morning i no longer think am i going to write today? i think about what i'm going to write and its daily -- i do a little bit every day. usually early in the morning and i work on the weekends when i travel just kind of woman wor