syntaxes, bans on smoking, advertising restrictions, continual attacks on alcohol consumption. the latest is the focus on binge drinking. it shows that the prohibitionists are still alive and well and among us. >> prohibitionists were prodstant oriented and the catholics were much more libertarian on this. >> all right, we'll ease out on that note. predictions, pat. >> flight to london to escape the miserable u.s. corporate income tax will create a stampede of american firms going shopping for lower taxes. >> michelle. >> hillary clinton, if she decides to run in 2016, it will be like the field of dreams. people will come, particularly women, because they will be fascinated and embroiled in the possibility of a first female president in the united states. >> mort. >> the arrangements which we are making to control iran's nuclear capabilities is creating an absolute fire storm among our allies of the suni countries, saudi arabia, etcetera, etcetera. they are having a huge reaction against the united states and what they are prepared to do. >> rich. >> at the end of the g.o.p. pr