admiral syring answered, completely. chairman rogers asked him a very similar question, so this is actually a more relaxed environment for successful testl syring was advocating because he did put a number of the specific number of tests that should be required before it was successful before no -- we know whether we are helping our warfighter. nothing could be more commonsensical than this and the country language people never want to buy a pig in a poke we shouldn't buy a kill vehicle that is an going to work. i would be the greatest disservice we could possibly do for this nation so let's make sure it works. that's all this gentleman's amendment is going to do and i think that him and for his amendment. >> i thank the gentleman for his comments and i concur. i would yield back my time. >> the chairman yields back. the gentleman from alabama. >> mr. langevin is a very thoughtful and viable member of our subcommittee and are now his heart is in the right place but unfortunately this amended as drafted i would have to op