>> looking we are look at a system where america used to be number one in graduation rates. swe are tenth. we used to be high up in math and science and so on. we are now 18th, 25 toth 30th. the system we have is not working. you have to find solutions outside of the current system whether charter schools or the -- or doing other things. >> why do you think the charter schools are the answers? why -- >> you are not the only answer. you are a good charter schools, they are very good charter schools that support charter schools. but the best charter schools -- one last week, the charter schools. they do a magnificent job. 09% of the kids go to college how is the kids school motto? it might work well for those kids but how does that solve the larger problem of public education that kids -- majority of my kids are -- zpli would hope that traditional public schools will learn from public charter schools and adapt their best practices. >> what do they need to learn? >> i think we -- longer school year, longer school year. which charter schools have. i think we have to use more tech