t. c sweeney. can tell us more, a jump macias allow me is bought less than a month onto the policy without molding bangladesh on crowns of terrorism. on the bottom protests with the country, the new transitional government led by us back nobel peace prize winner. dr. mohammed eunice has reversed upon on the confusion. all this is on the policy is student wing and associated organizations. the government did not find any definite link between terrorism and the germonti is long the bangladesh. its student wing is la me. chandra should be here and all other associated units of the organization. therefore, the government believes that the germonti is why the bangladesh is law me try for it should be here and all other associated units of the jamal are not involved in acts of terrorism. often can power you think was shy, would with praise, bye western media organizations with the crew portrayed us the restoration of democracy in bangladesh. the man who will lead bangladesh, his new case, he government h