t.e. lawrence. he has been doing that throughout the entire book. >> right, he is done that through the rest of the book. he is sitting with thomas hardy, talking about poetry. drinking ale with t.e. lawrence. he is hanging out in the trenches with sassoon, helps him out when he is going to be court-martialed. all of these great, great british literary figures and he is putting himself in their world, because he was in their world. he is hanging out with t.e. lawrence. he writes a biography of lawrence that sold pretty well during this time. a small biography. we can summarize it by saying -- "robert graves loves t.e. lawrence." he loves writing about him. but he is struggling during this time to really establish himself. he does a lot of things we would consider intellectual, on one hand. he does a research degree at oxford. he is still writing war poems. he is trying to make a living by his pen. he is living this bohemian life with his wife. they're trying to run a shop, etc. and he is doing thing