here's espn's t.j. quinn rodriguez and ryan braun, based on testimony and documents obtained by mlb investigators. the documents have been in the media since january. handwritten notes from the now shuttered biogenesis clinic in miami, listing the names of major and minor league players who received peds, including stars like rodriguez, cabrera, nelson cruz and braun who failed a steroid test in 2011, but successfully appealed his suspension. >> if i ever made any mistakes in my life i've taken responsible for my actions. i truly believe in my heart and i would bet my life that this substance never entered my body at any point. >> officials remain convinced he doped with the assistance of bosh. when his name appeared on biogenesis documents, braun explained by saying his attorneys had consulted with bosh during his appeal. >> what services did you offer braun? >> i never offered any services. >> so when he said you were a paid adviser to his legal team, what did you supply in return for that? >> i just answer