-- are there any opportunities for the t.n.c.s to provide increased accessible vehicle services to t.n.c. customers and so as m.t.a. is strategizing on what we think that our approach and our response will be to these questions we have developed a two-pronged approach and we believe that the t.n.c.s themselves should provide comparable services to persons with disabilities, including wheelchair accessible service, and we are planning on advocating that the cpuc require t.n.c.s to have an aggressive plan to become fully accessible, including a timeline and milestones, and the cpuc should hold the t.n.c.s accountable for implementing the plan and the plan should be publicly be available and local jurisdictions should have the ability to withhold access to local resources, i.e., curb access, airport access and permits, if the milestones are not met. and along with that we think that the cpuc should allow the local jurisdictions to levy a surcharge on non-accessible t.n.c. services. so that -- again, because the local jurisdictions don't have authority and jurisdiction over t.n.c.s, this --