t.p. featuring juvenile produced a hit single no you clap in two thousand and four the group also included the rap a skill who continues to perform as a solo artist in addition to on the call. to. change . i made a sound about eight nine months ago when i had like a string of murders in like five murders of six murders in three days and i was right and it was too weak and out you know like somebody has got to care so i was made a side of the whole percent of the violence people started to man was like a couple ready. to be married to me there was i know that to be a thousand fifteen hundred homes and be easy like i have friends that it might have been murdered thirty years and i see the amount of the some papers he had on like classics like i didn't really feel may not be like i really figured to i might be afraid to name my style name in air but i might be afraid to name them lost in the fray i just want to see if they became like jack it was a really nobody fandom nobody really doing and unlike me and my of do remember that night and like i did what happened and i'm like man no everybody