and t.r., meanwhile, t.r. had been his assistant navy secretary. mckinley wasn't sure he wanted to give t.r. that job. he didn't know t.r. all that well, but he knew that he tended to be sort of impetuous and got into rows, as he said to one of t.r.'s good friends who was pushing for him to have that job and. and they promised him that, no, no, no, t.r.'s not going to do that, he's going to be controllable. well, he wasn't. but he did an amazing thing. when the war came, he, you know, resigned the office, he put together the roughrides, and he did -- roughriders, and extremely courageous to the point of maybe insanity when he ran what was called san juan with hill. it was actually kettle hill, but it was on the san juan ridge. and becomes, along with george dewey, one of the two greatest heroes from that war. the american people loved him, and he knew exactly how to play it. so when the convention, second convention comes up in 1900, the convention just goes crazy for teddy. and it was a force du jour, couldn't be resisted. mark hanna didn't like t