t.s.k. v.m. which is the brace of the keeps a watchful eye on the state of the operator. at the ritz the owner of the sit down i do have this bracelet is a radio transmitter with a digital unit the code signals as well as a sensor or the verge of the bridge the sensor measures skin resistance between the two neighboring sections and then the resistance is digitalized coded into a signal and transmitted via radio channel to the task out b.m. equipment onboard the locomotive both. by relying on physiological signs and set of visual clues the bracelet system detects. potential danger in the conductor's condition early when this is to understand that the driver is too tired showing signs of getting sleepy initiates a little tests and exercises to keep him or her alert thanks to their advanced system of monitoring physical sites not a single incident has occurred as a result of an operator not being alert enough a feat which required a bit of tricky engineering. motion artefacts which can interfere in the measurement of resistance as well as temperature and other factors you s