may allah send tabara someone to us, our families, health and happiness in both worlds, and may thereess of our sins and spiritual purification , the approach of our sincere hearts, as to the almighty lord of the worlds. and yes, there will be rewards with the promised paradise and deliverance from the fires of hell, and we those who have reconciled themselves to the will of the lord of the worlds and who have believed in him, following our blessed prophet muhammadam sallallahu aleikhi wa sallam peace, we repeat to him and the blessing of the almighty allah, ente-salaam in amenka. salam poured tobottaya, jali it with liquor. o allah, you are peace, and peace is given to them from you, while glorious are you, the lord of majesty and thanksgiving. my dear brothers and sisters, dear gentiles, the time has come with sincere hearts, pious thoughts, the humble soul will turn to the almighty allah taala, in a festive prayer eid al-fitr and the distance of the filter. al mubarah. now we are all lining up our ranks and facing qibla as the almighty allah, making intentions and insha'allam start