communicate with the spirits there to the right by them angel is the tambourine why charmin says tabish contact with the gods there to the left by their hands rest on ritual canes bells. by healing chain off was the first to begin reviving shamanism beyond late like out after a long period of oblivion during the first russian congress for the study of shamanism by e.m.f. with michael harner a legendary american on to apologise to organize the foundation for sure manic studies on was so impressed by his talent later his foundation awarded the siberian sharman the title of living treasure sharman is. now the gathering is over the shamans are about to set out on a pilgrimage to mount such a night they will cover at least a hundred kilometers from the lowlands mountain passes and heavy go in forest parts . known of by chin ups followers has been here before this is one of the most private places that give the gorillas shell money now as it has been considered one of the sacraments of bully at sherman isn't for a very long time a tall cliff there's what looked like too dry and ponds carved o