the ocean plastic crisis is very important to our survival which is why watching the hawks own tabitha wallace ventured out west to san francisco harbor to witness the launching of a new invention that just might save the oceans in spite of our very plastic ways. at the age of sixteen plain flat was on vacation increase so must give a diving he noticed something interesting about our oceans it was full of plastic lots and lots of plastic and it was on that day that he decided he wanted to do something about it. and on september eighth in san francisco bay california defied the critics and the naysayers who told him it couldn't be done every sufficiently novel technology has always been met with skepticism. it's just evidence that we're doing something new. if you just look at your human history is basically a very long list of things that could have been done at the age of eighteen points last found in the ocean cleanup project at the center of the project was a simple yet novel way to remove the nearly one point eight trillion pieces of plastic floating on the surface of the great pacific gar