to how much gas to use which is what they're really proposing, the people with these high-mileage tabrizd have to pay twice the sales tax as someone with a gas guzzler. is the same where and tear on the roads. what really troubles me is how much they waste the gas tax money. we spend enough on the road, but it gets wasted because of federal money whenever there is federal money involved we have to hire unionized workers. those wages are so out of whack with the market price that we can never afford the roads. melissa: i don't know. uni have been covering this for ever. we always said the only cure for high prices as high prices. they were really high. we did everything we could to fix that, drilling more, driving less, doing all this stuff. the government comes in and picked my pocket anyway. >> i'm telling you. and every mile that we drive right now is being subsidized by the government. this is just another case of taking money out of one pocket and putting it in another. one of the reasons why gasoline demand has gone down is not because everyone bought a hybrid. but part of it is bec