. -- in front of -- well, next door to me is a taceria. there has been this pan handler for the last three, four years. i see cops walk by and call him by name and say, how are you doing? when can we get these people off the street? i think there's, you know, some kind of laws against panhandlings. we don't want to fill our jails with a bunch of homeless people. they're overcrowded. why not set up the shelters and detain these people where they have to follow rules and regulations? an article in the paper just the other day about a fellow that said, i don't like to go into the shelter. they don't let me smoke. they make me go to bed too early. well, sorry. there's a cause an and effect to everything. you're making it easy for these people to cause the problems. the bars, restaurants, aren't. ok. thank you very much. supervisor avalos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. debbie from the san francisco human services network. we support the alcohol mitigation fee. a few years ago voters in san francisco approved t