high winwarnings are in effect r gh evaonalg and this afteron -- 're taking a closer look at tacklg studt loan dt. just when some borrowers mht t out from uer the debt cloud...theyould get hit with a hefty tax bi.. news five'maddie garrett reports.. rq nats any colge cams,ou're likely to findtudents like joan ferreras. sot joan "rigow i think i have 8,000 to 10,0 in lns." aophomore at uccs... it's something he's already thinki about... how to p them wn. sot an "it is shing tt is sowhat stressful, it's always the back of your mindyou're thinking every te that semesteres by you take another loan, yeah it's definitely there." for him... inme based repayment could be an option... but hopes his loans won't dr out for deca sot jo 'hopulhen i graduate i'm able to find asoon as possible start paying it off but for some students... theyerteenghmoney to pay the loan down on planlike income based repayment... sot joan stories you know, life hapns t michelle toro-diet "forhatever ciumstances they never get outside of those lower repayments, e 0, t 50, t 100, and they have 25,000, 30, 4000 and in 25 y