daniel tellez: taco rouge is a lively, fun, and great place to have lunch, dinner, or just a bite.tried to span with everyone's-- or every customer's taste. so, we're just not a beer and margarita. we can also be a little bit more. daniel: taco rouge has from the classic street tacos, and you can get a burrito, a classic burrito, or like a san francisco burrito, or taste something different to come and see like, "oh, this is mexican, but it's different. i haven't seen it before." i think it's important to expand mexican food in terms of how we know it. you can have different flavors that they might be new for people in the bay area, because they haven't experienced them in mexico, or flavors that we just came up with, kind of original flavors. i mean, it's something simple always, you know, like something straightforward. so, first of all, the ingredient, it has to be a fresh ingredient, it has to be a good ingredient. but the other side that we're looking for is the authenticity on the flavors. we're trying to make the classic tacos the same way that they are made in mexico. we ma