taconic parkway. i was in the left lane. he's going like a bat out of hell, should already be on the parkway right now. it's a minivan. stateonic -- hang on. >> the van that's going southbound? yeah, they're going out for it. >> yeah, i just remember saying oh, my god, oh, my god, i was just trying to draw attention to get validation from rich that maybe something peculiar was there on the road. >> my heart was going about 200 beats a minute and just to react quickly and get out of the way and then the car went past us. >> it was just like playing chicken. she was going straight on the road. we saw something coming at us. we reacted, we moved. she had no reaction at all. she didn't stop, didn't slow down, didn't move. i thought it was someone dead-set on killing themselves. >>> good afternoon. >> hi, doctor. >> i don't know if i can get up, because i'm all wired. >> very nice to meet you. >> how are you? >> nice to meet you. >> thank you for making the trip. we appreciate it. >> uh, okay. the autopsy report includes chemical analysis, toxicology, and i reviewed some witness statements and police statements, and i gained the