tada! very impressive. ♪ men.a-ah, oh-oh ♪ ♪ hey-ey, he-ee, ya-ah, oh-oh, oh ♪ (high-pitched): ♪ ahh... (man scat singing scales) what is that? steven tyler rented the house next door. (singing continues) the-the guy from aerosmith? i lost my virginity to him. you-you know, his music. thanks. i was confused. (loud, howling scat singing) apparently getting ready for a tour. so what's...? (loud scat singing continues) ...in the box? oh, i just went out and picked you up a little something i thought might put a smile on your face. alan, the only thing in this box that could possibly put a smile on my face is your severed head. (laughing) good one. zing! come on, open it. (scat singing continues) a hat? a very expensive hat. since when do i wear hats? well, you don't, but, uh, i saw it, and it seemed so you. you know, cool, rakish, yet forgiving. okay, fine, i forgive you. oh, thanks. thanks. aren't you going to try it on? no. if you really forgave me, you'd try it on. oh, yeah. that is you. let's, uh, let's try tilti