tada! ok, i am actually pretty amazed by how much this looks like the virtual image.the right position. so if we get a photo of that, put in a white background and match it up, then we can really see the true likeness, and i think that is quite astonishing. the only thing that i hadn't bargained for is that there's glitter absolutely everywhere. so i may have got a great idea in advance of how it's going to look, but it's not until you get your hands on something you can really tell the quality. although, in fairness to this, it is a £20 dress. the inspiration came actually from a very different world, from military lidar technologies we used to develop mapping technologies, so you could actually see how maps look on topographies, like intelligence maps look on topographies, and when we developed those technologies, we actually had a kind of eureka moment — that actually the human body is a bit like a topography, and any clothing item's picture, we can look at it as if it was an intelligence map, and apply more or less the same technologies, and use that to solve the