tadeosh takes the lever from me and turns it twice as fast.st look at what's happening now. i opened the door a little, huge streams of water rushed forward, look, let you out or don’t, sit here for an hour, okay, you’ve persuaded me, i’ll go open the gate, but even for this seemingly simple task you need to have lacing, hardening, training, a huge amount of water, but it doesn’t give in, which means that for now... i need to lower it a little, well, the tourists are waiting, let’s try, oh, off, on, off, off, well, now i ’m a full-fledged employee of the augustow canal service, it’s time to step out of the role of a river wolf and move on, there’s a place right ahead of me to bypass, which no one can a traveler, even an experienced one like me, on the augustow canal there is something that is not there, even on the corinth canal, we have many, many new dolls, this is a new one, well forgotten, an old one, we have revived a new doll called health, which makes it unique this doll, that’s how it differs from the same doll, for example, in the vit