real house in which he was born and lived in my hands a copy of the book with a record of baptism, tadeush, kostyushka. our kostyushka was baptized on february 12, 1746. at baptism he received three names, he was baptized under the names andrey tadeusz bananatura. eh, why did it happen that the name andrei fell on his birthday according to the catholic calendar. and the parents gave the metada . and bananventura was baptized with us on february 12, and according to the catholic calendar , february 12 fell on the day of saint bananaventura, and already at the request of the insistence of his parents. he was baptized under three names. the history of the shrine dates back to 1520, when at this place with guardians, who at that time belonged to ownership was built wooden suit. so in 1872 a huge fire raged in the temple, which destroyed the church to the ground and five years passed before it was reborn and transformed. here in this brick building in the neo-gothic style, this is how the church has survived to this day. well, many tourists today compare it with the museum of local lore. i can