and there are tagalog-speaking attendees, so they have some various languages available to them. i can take any questions then. >> chairwoman: any questions from the public? hearing none, we call for the vote. >> so moved. >> second. >> chairwoman: okay. we now say yea. >> yea. >> yea. >> chairwoman: opposed? motion carries. >> thank you. >> chairwoman: item "k," requesting authorization to modify the existing grant agreement with the institute on aging for the provision of adult day care services for older adults and adults with disabilities, for an additional amount of $103, 454, plus 10% con contingencontingency,not to exc. >> good morning, vice president lu, and inspector, today i'm presenting the institute on aging adult aid program. the program is currently located at cpmc on california street, lu but will be moving to a new location in july. the language is english, spanish, ta tagolog and chinese. i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> chairwoman: any comment from the public? hearing none, call for the vote. >> so moved. >> i'll second. >> chairwoman: okay. al