the output the result was a ready-made specialist who could carry his... wein, kohl, hadash, tahad hashamash. what has been is what will be, and there is nothing new under the sun. this is the book of ecclesiastes, one of the books of the old the testament, in which king solomon, presumably the author of this book, sets out his teachings, including to his descendants, and this book is in many ways the result of the life of king solomon. his search, and the verse that we have just read is at the very beginning, this is the ninth verse of the first chapter, where king solomon reflects on the fact that on earth everything that was everything that will be, it already existed once, when - something happened, and as he himself writes, there is nothing new under the sun, in fact, a phrase that will later become popular in many languages when the groups are small, it is always very easy to find an approach to today, dear brothers and sisters, we are celebrating the third parental saturday, concluding this year, with this, in this christ, and the church reminds you and me of the importance of comme