and vice president joe biden talks about the possibility of tajing on hillary clinton in the 2016 presidential race. a >>> and it sounded beautiful but was it live? controversy over beyonce's rendition of the national anthem. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." >>> and the breaking news continues here in cnn. we're covering the country's latest multiple shooting incident on a college campus. three people, at least two of them were students caught in a cross fire. a fourth person suffered a heart attack during the shooting. it all happened near houston, texas, on the north harris campus of lone star college. that's a community college in texas. cnn's ed lavandera has the latest. ed, what are you hearing? >> reporter: this shooting appears to be a situation that started off as an altercation in one of the buildings between two people. one of those firing shots was wounded and is now in custody. two people were caught in the crossfire and those people were wounded and then there was a fourth person that in all of this may lay had a heart attack. that person is being treated as well.