and the new film by takashi miike — first love, a valentine's offering with a difference.foran award? not an oscar—winner necessarily. so, console game characters... did you ever play sonic the hedgehog? do you know what, i'm afraid i didn't. i'm not good at video games. that's fine because it means you can go in... just not my... me neither, but it means you can go in open—minded. so, console game character, taken out of his native environment, sent to earth in order to get away from evil forces, teams up with a likeable sheriff but soon finds himself the subject of the attentions of a very evil scientist played byjim carrey, never knowingly understated. here's a clip. i'm going to give you five seconds to tell me where it is! five... ok, i don't know what you're talking about. ..four... hey, tough guy, i'm a cop, and you're threatning an officer. how can you threaten somebody who never existed ? ..three... come on, wrack your brain! you might be able to come up with some lame excuse to go on living, in two... wait, don't hurt him! screams now, weirdly enough, th