ramadi's fall, president obama's decision to locate our troops at a fifth training center in the takata habania complex, has produced 1300 tribal fighters who are engaged in supporting the iraqi security forces in attacks on ramadi at the moment. to make no mistake, iraqi, shiite, kurd alike must be recruited, and trained and engaged to take back their country. building the capacity of iraq's security forces will require an enduring commitment. one i believe this coalition has made. others may not agree, it's my belief that with each passing week week, we will see their increasing effort. success will inspire success as we've seen in other places i believe we will see others enter the fight as time goes on. at the same time, we must appreciate that the security gains can only be sustained if political reforms are made in parallel. we must continue to encourage the prime minister's pursuit of an inclusive path he has set for his country one that begins to operationalize governance. which emphasizes the importance of decentralizes authorities to the provinces. it is in that approach we hope to te