takeshi onaga says his will continue to call for a drastic review of the agreement itself. the governor plans to visit the u.s. late this month to meet republican congressmen and experts close to the incoming president. he wants a review of plans to relocate a u.s. air base within his prefecture. he wants it moved out all together. >>> tokyo's governor says a plan to move the capital's wholesale food market will need to wait until more testing is done. the proposed site, which used to be home to a gas plant, has been plagued by toxic chemicals. in 2014 the tokyo government began to test groundwater at the site in the city's district. last august the eighth round of testing revealed that some water samples had nearly twice the permissible levels of toxic chemicals. the ninth round, completed at the end of last year, found extremely high levels of the chemical benzene which is associated with gas production. that was intended to be the last test but more will be carried out before she makes a decision. >> translator: i want to hear from more experts. at the current location o