she would say, "i have my best friend, takina, and i have two or three other girls, jessie and claireand suzie, that are my friends," okay? so here we have my daughter, who has a cell phone in her pocket, who can skype with her friends at night, who has all this technology, and yet something very fundamental hasn't changed. she has the same sense of a best friend and the same sense of a close set of friends. so the technology has evolved hugely in 100 years, but the human spirit hasn't changed. in fact, what we're arguing in the book is that there's something very deeply fundamental about human connection and about human influence that is so deep and fundamental that we can study it scientifically, that we can understand things about it that are not obvious, and that these things are not... do not change just because we have new technologies. >> hinojosa: so does that mean that, for example, across the world, it's the same kind of thing? you know, that suddenly, you know, the group of bangladeshi girls who maybe are quite poor, but they go to school, they have the same thing. they hav