. >> the next card i have is from hiroshi, takuda is that correct sir? >> yes. good afternoon i am the chair of the coalition for san francisco neighborhoods. and i'm here because of the coalition for san francisco neighborhoods i believe in good government and quality of life in san francisco some of the comments i heard today in regards to the increase of 38 percent over 4 years well that's i don't think people will say that's acceptable i think there's comments about comparing that 30 percent to 12 percent well, that's a big difference and there were other comments in regards to how does this compare to other jurisdictions. well, there was a statement that well next year it's going to be 8 percent and that's comparable to other water districts how about the next 4 years? would that about comparable? are the other water districts going to experience a 38 percent increase? that's a question there. another comment there were comments about the water meters well you all know this is important but i think it's really important because san francisco as you all know